YBA – Your Bizarre Adventure Script | ITEM DUPE [WORKING] – MAY 2022


Created by kenpath1234


WORKING! Video Tutorial: https://streamable.com/bn80np

REMINDER: ITEM DUPE ONLY!, 10 COINS REQUIRED (You cant dupe coins itself any other item works.)

1. Get 10 coins on acc with items you wanna dupe
2. Trade ur main with the ur alt without any items
3. Execute this script while having a gold coin in ur hand (see below)
4. You should still have all coins you had even after 1 is gone from ur inv
5. Put all Coins into the trading GUI, then put the item*s you wanna dupe
6. Accept on both accs
7. Gold Coins + Luckies should be on ur alt and ur main still should have the luckies but not gold coins

local args = {
   [1] = "InitiateCosmeticTrade",
   [2] = "Put alts user here" --PUT UR ALTS USER HERE (FULL NAME!)


local args = {
   [1] = "EndDialogue",
   [2] = {
       ["NPC"] = "Merchant",
       ["Option"] = "Option1",
       ["Dialogue"] = "Dialogue5"
