Pet Simulator X! Script | FAST CANDY AUTOFARM ?

Created by e621


  • ・Auto farm
    | Modes: Normal, Chest, Nearest, Highest Value
    | Chest Auto Farm is the fastest autofarm for pet sim x. You will gain crazy amounts of candy.
    | Vouches for chest autofarm;
    [Image: unknown.png]
  • | Highest Value is mainly for tech coins. Will focus on it more once the halloween update is gone.
  • ・Miscellaneous
    | Give gamepasses [Some are visual.]
    | Anti afk | Lag reducer [Good for AFKing]
  • ・Eggs
    | Automated egg opener [Fastest one.]
  • ・Pets
    | Automated golden
    | Automated rainbow
    | NEW Automated dark matter
  • ・Settings
    | Menu toggle
    | Theme changer