Tha Bronx 2 Beta Script | KILL ENTIRE SERVER

Created by RealLinux


local changeSettings = {
PlayAllSounds = true,
AutoReload = false,
Auto = false,
BaseDamage = 100,
FireRate = 0.15,
ReloadTime = 0,
AmmoPerMag = 6,
SpreadX = 4,
SpreadY = 4,
Range = 300,
HeadshotEnabled = true,
HeadshotDamageMultiplier = 3,
IdleAnimationID = 11814765114,
IdleAnimationSpeed = 1,
FireAnimationID = 11810690881,
FireAnimationSpeed = 1,
ReloadAnimationID = 11824758379,
ReloadAnimationSpeed = 0.6,
EquippedAnimationID = nil,
EquippedAnimationSpeed = 0.6,
EquipTime = 0.1,
HitPlayerAnimationID = 10879812867,
HitPlayerAnimationSpeed = 0.6,
JamChance = 0,
JamKey = Enum.KeyCode.F,
JamKeyString = "F",
GoreEffectEnabled = false,
GoreSoundIDs = { 1930359546 },
GoreSoundPitchMin = 1,
GoreSoundPitchMax = 1.5,
GoreSoundVolume = 1,
CriticalDamageEnabled = false,
CriticalBaseChance = 5,
CriticalDamageMultiplier = 3,
EchoEffect = true,
Replicate = true,
WalkSpeedRedutionEnabled = false,
WalkSpeedRedution = 6,
HoldDownEnabled = true,
HoldDownAnimationID = 11497226511,
HoldDownAnimationSpeed = 0.8,
BulletHoleEnabled = true,
BulletHoleSize = 0.2,
BulletHoleTexture = { 3696144972 },
BulletHoleVisibleTime = 7,
BulletHoleFadeTime = 1,
PartColor = true,
HitEffectEnabled = true,
HitSoundIDs = { 9102724020, 9063083721, 9103240392, 9102728886 },
HitSoundPitchMin = 1,
HitSoundPitchMax = 1,
HitSoundVolume = 10,
CustomHitEffect = true,
BloodEnabled = true,
HitCharSndIDs = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
HitCharSndPitchMin = 1,
HitCharSndPitchMax = 1,
HitCharSndVolume = 1,
TweenLength = 0.8,
EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint,
EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
TweenLengthNAD = 0.8,
EasingStyleNAD = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint,
EasingDirectionNAD = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
WhizSoundEnabled = true,
WhizSoundID = { 269514869, 269514887, 269514807, 269514817 },
WhizSoundVolume = 0.5,
WhizSoundPitchMin = 1,
WhizSoundPitchMax = 1.5,
WhizDistance = 100,
HitmarkerEnabled = true,
HitmarkerSoundID = { 1255040462, 1255040462, 1255040462 },
HitmarkerColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
HitmarkerFadeTime = 1,
HitmarkerSoundPitch = 1,
HitmarkerColorHS = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 4),
HitmarkerFadeTimeHS = 1,
HitmarkerSoundPitchHS = 1,
CrossSize = 2.8,
CrossExpansion = 29,
CrossSpeed = 4,
CrossDamper = 0.99,
MuzzleFlashEnabled = true,
MuzzleLightEnabled = true,
LightBrightness = 7,
LightColor =, 1.1098039215686275, 0),
LightRange = 15,
LightShadows = true,
VisibleTime = 0.02,
BulletShellEnabled = true,
BulletShellOffset =, 0.4, 0),
ShellSize =, 0.2, 0.32),
AllowCollide = false,
ShellScale =, 1.5, 1.5),
ShellMeshID = 95392019,
ShellTextureID = 95391833,
DisappearTime = 5,
IronsightEnabled = false,
FieldOfViewIS = 59,
MouseSensitiveIS = 0.2,
SpreadRedutionIS = 0.6,
CrossScaleIS = 0.8,
LimitedAmmoEnabled = false,
Ammo = 1000,
MaxAmmo = 1000,
ShotgunEnabled = false,
BulletPerShot = 8,
ShotgunReload = false,
ShotgunClipinAnimationID = nil,
ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed = 1,
ShellClipinSpeed = 0.5,
BurstFireEnabled = false,
BulletPerBurst = 3,
BurstRate = 0.075,
SniperEnabled = false,
FieldOfViewS = 12.5,
MouseSensitiveS = 0.2,
SpreadRedutionS = 0.6,
CrossScaleS = 0,
ScopeSensitive = 0.25,
ScopeKnockbackSpeed = 7,
ScopeKnockbackDamper = 0.65,
ScopeSwaySpeed = 10,
ScopeSwayDamper = 0.4,
CameraRecoilingEnabled = false,
Recoil = 0,
AngleX_Min = 1,
AngleX_Max = 1,
AngleY_Min = 0,
AngleY_Max = 1,
AngleZ_Min = -5,
AngleZ_Max = 1,
Accuracy = 100,
RecoilSpeed = 100,
RecoilDamper = 0.5,
RecoilRedution = 0.5,
ExplosiveEnabled = true,
ExplosionSoundEnabled = true,
ExplosionSoundIDs = { 163064102 },
ExplosionSoundVolume = 1,
ExplosionSoundPitchMin = 1,
ExplosionSoundPitchMax = 1.5,
ExplosionRadius = math.huge,
CustomExplosion = false,
BulletTracerEnabled = true,
BulletParticleEnaled = nil,
BulletTracerOffset0 =, 0, 0),
BulletTracerOffset1 =, 0, 0),
BulletSpeed = 100940,
DropGravity = 0,
WindOffset =, 0, 0),
BulletSize =, 0.4, 0.4),
BulletColor = Color3.fromRGB(163, 162, 156),
BulletTransparency = 1,
BulletMaterial = Enum.Material.Neon,
BulletShape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder,
BulletMeshEnabled = false,
BulletMeshID = 6696543809,
BulletTextureID = 0,
BulletMeshScale =, 0.007, 0.007),
BulletLightEnabled = false,
BulletLightBrightness = 3,
BulletLightColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 165, 153),
BulletLightRange = 6,
BulletLightShadows = true,
ChargedShotEnabled = false,
ChargingTime = 1,
MinigunEnabled = false,
DelayBeforeFiring = 1,
DelayAfterFiring = 1,
Knockback = 0,
Lifesteal = 0,
FlamingBullet = false,
IgniteChance = 100,
FreezingBullet = false,
IcifyChance = 100,
DualEnabled = false
for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
if type(v) == "table" then
   if rawget(v, "Accuracy") and rawget(v, "RecoilRedution") and rawget(v, "FireRate") then
       for k,v2 in pairs(changeSettings) do
           rawset(v, k, v2)